Around this time of year, like so many of us, I’m reminded of the many blessings in my life. Among them are my amazing kids and wonderful husband of 30-plus years, a warm and welcoming home, a fulfilling career, and my continued health. All good things and I’m thankful for each and every one of them every day. But, from time to time, looking back over the years, what I remember is a simmering resentment of a much younger, more harried, and more taken-for-granted self.
I thought that being a good person meant doing things without the expectation of a reward — that the acts themselves were the reward. Mostly, that was true, but when it wasn’t, it really wasn’t. There were home-cooked family dinners every night, endless double-headers on the weekends (plus multiple games during the week), a full-time job, a clean and tidy house, bedtime stories for two, and more. Selflessness coupled with ingratitude — perceived or real — was a bad combination and one I probably should’ve addressed earlier.
But the good news is that it’s never too late to flip the equation, or at least mitigate it with some much deserved self-care. This can be different things for different people. For me, it means going for a run or taking a walk, doing yoga, drinking coffee as the sun comes up, being out in nature, or especially, making something delicious just for myself. Cooking can be simple and fast or it can be elaborate and more time consuming. The latter is a bit more challenging, but it gives me time to disconnect from the stresses of the day, really enjoy the process, and truly nourish myself.

Many of our recipes serve two or four people which is convenient if you want leftovers. But I would urge you — even just once — to halve the recipe and make a single serving. It’s luxurious and self-indulgent in the best possible way. Make yourself a drink, turn up the radio, and enjoy the fruits of your own labor for a change — audaciously and unapologetically. And no sharing!
As the holiday season gears up and we begin to feel harried and overwhelmed, the simple act of self-care may be the cure-all. Who says you’re not worth the time and effort to cook yourself something fabulous?
Happy Thanksgiving to all!