We’re glad to say that we will be able to provide our premium members with hook-and-line caught king salmon from Southeast Alaska’s small-boat troll fleet this year.
Southeast trollers were granted a last-minute stay in a contentious legal lawsuit that threatened the sustainable small-boat summer commercial fishery. The judgment came after months of uncertainty as to whether the fishermen would be able to participate in their most lucrative fishery of the entire year (most troll fishermen make up to 40% of their annual income in these two to three short weeks). Despite a productive opener, the volatility of the fishery continues to create frustration for the small-boat fleet.
This lawsuit remains unresolved and continues to threaten the livelihoods of sustainable hook-and-line fishermen. As always, our team will continue to monitor the issue closely with an eye towards emerging science, fisheries, and impact on rural fishing communities. While we don’t know what lies ahead, what we do know is that we will continue to keep sustainability and community at the heart of all our sourcing decisions. We are proud to support our community partners by supplying king salmon from Southeast’s small-boat fishermen who fish sustainably with low-impact gear to catch high-quality wild seafood.
That's why we support ALFA and the ATA through our 1% For the Wild Fund. Those who would like to support the appeals process are encouraged to donate to the ATA’s legal fund and to sign ALFA’s letter of support.