Thanksgiving in Sitka
In Sitka, November is a time to slow down and enjoy the longer nights and crisp mornings. To embrace daylight savings and to share food with friends and family. If you survive the weeks around Halloween without succumbing to bowls of mini candy bars, it’s also a good time to get into better eating habits before the full holiday season is upon us. While looking forward to the reckless and unabashed gluttony of Thanksgiving I do try to build healthy habits, and for me, that means eating lots of fish.
After a summer of eating salmon, sometimes multiple meals a day, I need a little break from cooked fish. I lean towards making poke and ramen — adding raw slices of salmon to my bowl to gently poach in the flavorful broth. Both are staples that satisfy my desire for indulgent food and make me feel good. Try a crudo with salmon or halibut, I promise it’s easier than you think.
Ok, ok, enough about eating healthy. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday for a reason. We get to slow down and spend time cooking and thinking about what delicious things we want to make. For weeks and months, I fantasize and look at recipes, building the ideal Thanksgiving spread. The smell of pies and roasting turkey pair perfectly with my favorite wines and beers stashed away for this moment. Many of the classic staples are in play, but why not push yourself a bit and try something new?
One recommendation that might be new to some of you is to invite a few friends to your family’s Thanksgiving table. Not everyone has family around to share the holiday with and you get extra points for bringing people together. The other added bonus is that family members tend to be nicer to each other with a couple of unbiased observers at the table! Our chef Grace recommended this a few years ago and I’ve been doing it ever since.

From a culinary standpoint of trying to bring new things to the Thanksgiving table, I would try Grace’s gravlax recipe if you have sockeye or coho available. It’s sure to receive rave reviews and it fits in nicely if the staples are all already assigned to others.
If you have people coming before the big day, it’s really a treat to mix in something light that doesn’t demand too much attention. If you haven’t tried my slow and low coho recipe give it a shot. Enjoy this time of slowing down and sharing your best with ones you love, I know I will!