Albacore Tuna

| 6 oz6 oz


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Sustainably Sourced

Our wild-caught albacore tuna is known for its dense, sweet meat that is delicious whether served raw or rare. Each portion is 5-7 ounces, carefully frozen, vac...Read more

Why Buy From Us

Sustainably Sourced

  • Wild-caught seafood from sustainable fisheries in Alaska and across the U.S.

From Small-Boat Fishermen

  • Who live in the communities where they fish

Premium Quality

  • Handled with care for unmatched flavor

Traceable to the source

  • Know where your seafood comes from


Product Description

  • Wild-caught albacore tuna is known for its dense, sweet meat that is delicious seared rare or raw in sushi or poke. Hook-and-line caught off the coast of Washington and Oregon, these tasty tuna are bled and frozen at sea to maintain freshness. They are then broken down into loins while completely frozen so they maintain that once-frozen texture and quality. Portions are 5-7 ounces, carefully frozen, vacuum-sealed, skinless and boneless.

Cooking Tips

  • Serve raw for poke, sushi, or sashimi, or seared rare and served with flavorful olive oil–based sauces.

Sourcing & Traceability

  • Caught with pole and line gear off the coasts of Oregon and California.

Packaging & Shipping

  • You'll have the opportunity to select your delivery week at checkout. Otherwise, orders placed by 11:59pm CT on Saturdays will be delivered the following week. All orders are packed in environmentally responsible insulation, recyclable packaging, and on dry ice.


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What We Stand For: Sustainability and Community

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Founded by Fishermen, Driven by Integrity

At Sitka Seafood Market, our roots run deep in Alaska's waters. Marsh, a second-generation fisherman, started this company on the simple principle of respect for the ocean. With a commitment to sustainable fishing practices, we bring you seafood as nature intended — wild, fresh, and responsibly harvested. Marsh knows the value of working with the tides, understanding the rhythms of the sea, and passing on this knowledge to future generations.

Supporting Local Fishing Communities

Supporting Local Communities

Supporting Local Communities