Co-Founder Marsh Skeele takes a trip down to Craig, Alaska to meet our new trusted partner, Seaborn Seafoods, and take a look at their plate-frozen spot shrimp.
Grace writes that even though she's been cooking for "a really long time" she continues to find better ways of cooking seafood. In fact, she recently discovered a few new techniques that she says are indispensable for every seafood subscriber.
Every three years, fishermen, community members, and other stakeholders involved in the fishery have an opportunity to suggest changes to the management structure for the Southeast pot shrimp fishery. Read why we advocated for a policy change.
This member-exclusive episode of Know Your Fish is all about spot shrimp. Harvested for only a short time in May each year, spot shrimp are a valuable and rare delight. Grace Parisi, our culinary director, offers a few ways to easily peel these little gems and shares some of her favorite spot shrimp recipes!